Published on May 06, 2024 (Updated on May 09, 2024)

Library Enchants / Library Enchantments [ Nbt Edit ]

This is a small library that adds several enchantments at levels that are impossible to obtain normally, the level limit in this library is (Level 10 or Level X), there are also other enchantments with lower levels but that is because they work the same in higher levels or malfunction at higher levels

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Library Enchants | Library Enchatments NBT

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hey bro, can make this obtainable in survival plss. :)
It would break the balance of the game if there isn't some difficulty in getting them
Achei o addon muito bom, mas como que faço pra conseguir no sobrevivência??????

Pensé que el complemento era muy bueno, pero ¿cómo lo consigo en supervivencia??????
É só para livraria ou criativo, tenho algumas ideias como estruturas ou chefes em outro addon, possivelmente como recompensa, livros com melhor nível de encantamento.

Es solo para la librería o creativo, tengo algunas ideas como estructuras o jefes en otro addon, posiblemente como recompensa, libros con mejor nivel de encantamiento.
i know how to get the books how do u use them?
Right clicking or holding on your phone on a book written enchanted with the book you want to use will give you a usable enchanted book to enchant.
Im didnt work
I did that it didn't work
How do I use this add-on? Why can't I upgrade?
Right clicking or holding on your phone on a book written enchanted with the book you want to use will give you a usable enchanted book to enchant.
Hello, I tried to use these enchanted books on the anvil, but it doesn't work, in addition their texture appears like a written book, tell me what to do please
Right clicking or holding on your phone on a book written enchanted with the book you want to use will give you a usable enchanted book to enchant.
English: Some errors were recently corrected and now the book says "hold" so we can give you the enchanted book. Possibly a video will be made reviewing the addon

Español: Algunos errores fueron corregidos recientemente y ahora el libro dice "Mantener" para poder darte el libro encantado. posiblemente se haga un video haciendo una review del addon

Português: Alguns bugs foram corrigidos recentemente e agora o livro diz "mantenha" para que eu possa te entregar o livro encantado
charizards on cc May 06, 2024 at 3:03 pm
you should add enchantments like lvl 1000 or 2000 and 32k yeah? I think it would be nice!
no tengo idea de como encantar estos libros, ya he probado de varias formas y no entiendo como usarlo, ademas de que me gustaria una explicacion de como conseguirlos, en todo caso el simple hecho de que sean libros escritos y no libros encantados tal vez ese sea el problema.
Al darle clic o mantener la pantalla te entregará un libro encantado que podrás usar.

Y los libros son solo para librería así que sirven para programadores que lo ocupen o también gente que quiera sacar libros con niveles imposibles del
okey, ahorita que actualizaste el mod ya funciona perfectamente el mod, ya nadamas me gustaria saber si se puede conseguir de alguna manera....

pero bueno fuera de todo eso, me parece un mod fantastico, funciona genial, ademas otra cosa es que no se pueden conbinar los libros y no se pueden conseguir en mesa de encantamientos, quizas debas meter una mesa especial que puedas usar para canjear los libros. fuera de eso 5 ESTRELLAS
I was thinking yesterday about having add-on like this and today it appear, what a timing.

thank you so much, Great work

Edit: and thank you for the little cutie🥰 goblins
how i can enchant bro
In the creative menu, in the enchanted books section there are some new books that when you click on them will give you new levels of Enchanting
It's good that it was useful to you :3