Cave Sounds Disabler ๐Ÿ”‡

Do you also know these creepy, annoying cave sounds you hear when you're exploring caves? This pack will turn them off for you! No more changing your music settings or turning down your device volume, because this pack disable all cave sounds so you can finally mine and explore the underground in peace!

Select version for changelog:

  • Updated supported Versions, to avoid missunderstanding of users.
  • Changed title a little bit.
  • Changed some texts.

Installation Guides

it's cool but you know you Can juste turn off the volume of environnement ? ;D
If I'm not mistaken, that would disable lava sounds. Although I believe that has already been mentioned in replies to other comments......
Only cowards use it. ๐Ÿ˜‚
I would love to see an update for this for 1.20. The sounds give my kids a jump scare
It works in 1.20, if there any issues, feel free to report them to me and I hope this pack will help ur kids :(
Oh. Its a good addon but---
We can just lower are volume ๐Ÿ˜
Or just lower the ambience music in the settings
Of course, but there are certainly people who still want to hear the other sounds.