Published on April 22, 2019

100% Void World [Custom Terrain]

Most bedrock 'void' worlds are small and end shortly and turn back to a flat world. This one is different. This one is an infinite void! Null null null null


  • Void.mcworld

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Guest-6368016975 May 30, 2020 at 8:46 pm
to download the map,click the .mcworld link,should take you to mediafire or something simmilar,then download it,then click on the download while minecraft is active and it will import the world
Why not downloading
if it is saying failed then that means it wont if you are in the games thingy
import failed why?
edit file to zip
and extract to android/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/games/com.mojang/minecraftworlds
Can you make it through mediafire please
Could you just add some wood lol
I have a video tutorial on how to do this, just put 0 as the number( you’ll get it when u watch it):
OR you can use /fill a couple times and you get the same result...............ya I'll not go through the trouble of installing an app.. and just use commands and take 7 seconds to have the game respond........ although this map is usefull
Rip i cant download
Levelimportfailed April 23, 2019 at 3:07 pm
Level import failed. This is annoying. Having to manually import it sucks. Ugh.
Yea boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Void ooooo!!!!!
Thanks! This is actually pretty useful for those of us who don't know how to do this ourselves.

How do you make this yourself, by the way?
You can use an app called blocktograph when you open it press the + icon then remove the dirt and grass and replace the bedrock with air now click done the world will be created in your minecraft then you gotta type this command
(/Setblock ~ ~ ~ bedrock)
You're Welcome
Just downloaded it and opening it with Minecraft...oof saying "Level Import failed"

I'll rate a 1 right now...
Don't get mad at him because your phone can't process it