Armageddon Mode Add-on v2.0

WARNING DO NOT PLAY IF YOU ARE EMOTIONAL TO VIDEO GAMES, this add-on makes the game harder than most modded difficulties and let's just say you are going to die, A LOT

Select version for changelog:



decreased damage of several mobs

passive mobs now have 50 health instead of 100

Reduced fire rate of skeletons

Introduced Armageddon mode Warden, it will spam out sonic boom when your out of range of it and do knockback roar as soon as its spawn animation is over

you now have permanent mining fatigue 1

all mobs are now immune to fire

all mobs can now regen their health at a faster pace


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Pinned comment
I was given rights to make add-ons and this is what ill do with
Ngl didnt intend on it being that, i just was like whats a scary word that the general public knows and that came into my
This is hard af.

Just as it should be.
Nice one!
I was given rights to make add-ons and this is what ill do with