Published on January 15, 2024 (Updated on January 15, 2024)

Armor Rarity Addon (No player.json)

Much like my previously uploaded addon, this addon introduces rarities to vanilla armor, which in turn increases the default armor protection and durability of the armor as its rarity increases. The rarities available are Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical and Godly. 

Select version for changelog:


Changed the lootlab link to mcpedl safe and only 1 ad option


Installation Guides

hello! i am using this addon and your other sword rarity addon on my minecraft realm along with 10 other addons. i understand this comes with many complications but that is what i am attempting to fix. everything works as needed but any armor other than common rarity is rendered as invisible when worn (the texture loads in inventory still)

if you could contact me regarding this for additional support that would be great!
make this work with modded armor
It sends me to a site to download a vpn but it won’t let me download it to download what seems to be an awesome mod but it appears that since I can’t I can’t download the mod? what should I do???
does this one also remove enchants when equipped...
Very useful mod helps a lot to improve the game and works well for other adventure mods
Doesn’t show the stats ( I have experimental gameplay on ) - nvm my game was bugged that’s why ( 10/10 addon )
El mod esta muy bueno, pero me gustaria que fuera un poco mas balanceado la durabilidad , debido que deja inutilizable el encantamiento de irrompibilidad, Otra idea que seria buena para el mod seria que cada pieza de armadura por su rareza te diera habilidades pasivas (habilidades balanceadas) y que cada armadura tengan su habilidad y depende de su rareza mejora su habilidad pasiva, asi estaria chido yo como jugador haver un monton de combinaciones, por ejemplo: tener unos leggins una habilidad que haga que cuando tenga toda la vida completa mis ataques hagan mas daño (es un ejemplo ya que no lo veo algo roto) y una pechera de hierro epica con una habilidad pasiva que hace que cuando tenga poca vida mi velocidad de movimiento aumente . Estos son algunos ejemplos de pasivas y asi , puedes meter muchas pasivas diferentes y muy buenas, una pasiva diferente por pieza de armadura y por calidad de armadura ( osea que una pechera de hierro no te de la misma habilidad que una pechera de diamante) esto es un mod increble y estas ideas me emocionan mucho.
Quite a constructive feedback! For the durability this is because the Sword rarity addon when played with this mod would instantly break the old durability. Now for your suggestions those variants of armors with passive skills and such, I actually have a plan to release something like that but after 1.21 because I am waiting for /attribute command so I can edit a player's stats without the use of potions! Naturally for the sword rarity addon I plan to release swords with life steal and such!
is this friendly with other mods
yeah its compatible with all mods, but it wont assign rarity to modded armors just vanilla ones