Published on July 18, 2022 (Updated on February 20, 2024)


A portal to another universe was opened, an apocalyptic world and from which Cordyceps came out, the fungal infection that destroyed that world, now it has also devastated the entire world of Minecraft, only the strongest will survive, can you do it? IMPORTANT: THIS IS A VERSION 1.12.3, IF YOU WANT TO USE THIS ADDON IN VIDEOS, REVIEWS, CONTENT, ETC; REMEMBER TO PUT THE LINK OF THIS PUBLICATION OR THE OFFICIAL YOUTUBE TRAILER AS CREDITS OR DOWNLOAD LINK, THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ADDON IS NOT ALLOWED ON OTHER PAGES, APPS WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION, IT HAS TAKEN ME A LOT OF EFFORT TO MAKE IT, THANKS ;)

Select version for changelog:


*bugs in city generation have been fixed

*5 new infected have been added

*new infected may appear in the NETHER and END

*spores now deal damage in a 10 block radius

*new loot in structures

*new cordyceps decoration blocks

*new salts, tunnels and rooms in structures such as sewers and hospitals

*compatibility with 1.20.60+

*increased difficulty, spore blocks can now generate cordyceps nests

Otherwise some fixes and bugs and minor things


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

awesome addon!!!!
If it works, it just fails the medications.
Something I have a problem with when trying to survive
Clickers clickers are to powerful they do too much damage and are to healthy weaken them or turn down their spawn rate
Hey, I usually hear complaints that infected people don't appear during the day and it's annoying, well I'll just say that the clickers appear in absolute darkness, make sure you light well and cover caves so that your base is safe and you don't live in a cave, and that is also why the player has 40 life points :v
where are all the cities??
They appear on the plains through a structure with a sign that says "welcome to the city" and the player must enter and activate the generation of the city, why did I do it like that? Well, there are mid- and low-range devices that can't support something like a city, so that's why I made it optional.
you should do a video downloading it and everything cuss i still dont undertand how to use it
The best mods
esperando la próxima actualización. En la versión 1.20.72 hay algunos errores, como generación de estructura con errores, todavía aparecen algunos mobs básicos a lo largo del juego. Pero el addon es increíble, un 10.
seguro? acabo de actualizar a la 1.20.81 y el addon me funciona perfecto
Bro how i add this music addon in Minecraft?
please update for 1.20.0
El addon es 10000000/10 pero cuánto tiempo tarda en que la fase de un corredor que se infectó cuanto tarda en llegar a la segunda fase de asechador, y como puedo hacer que dure menos con los comandos que tienes ahí? Me encantan los comandos de hordas pero me gusta mucho ver como se desarrolla el cordyceps
Can you make it less lag by making the texture low quality
Es de lo mejor que hay, sin duda es un 100/10, no hay duda alguna de todo el esfuerzo invertido, quizá un par de sugerencias sería que las armas sean crafteables, ya que si que son muy difíciles de conseguir, y se que ese es el punto pero quizá una mesa de crafteo para hacer armas no estaría mal, y que tal si al pasar por las esporas y morir justo donde moriste spawnea un corredor, o algún infectado, como si de verdad te infectaras, en cualquier caso me encanta el mod y espero más de ti