Published on June 27, 2023 (Updated on March 01, 2024)

Difficulty: Insane -Demon Update-

I'm sure you ever thought that minecraft even on hard difficulty is an easy game, well this addon changes that, now minecraft will be much more complicated!Your goal will be to complete the game with this new difficulty, it is recommended to play on hard to make it more funny!This Addon does not use a resource pack, it is just a behavior pack.As soon as you enter a game in survival you will notice a big difference, then all the changes.

Select version for changelog:


Updated V1.8:

Changes were made to the following difficulties:

Harder Difficulty:

  • Reduced the spawn rate of monsters, such as zombies, from 5-10 to 4-6.
  • Reduced monster detection range from 26 blocks to 20.

Insane Difficulty:

  • Reduced the spawn rate of monsters, such as zombies, from 10-20 to 5-10.
  • Reduced monster detection range from 64 blocks to 26.

Demon Difficulty:

  • Reduced monster detection range from 64 blocks to 32.

These changes were made because performance was not good at all, especially on insane, and demon difficulties.

Now you will notice an improvement in performance on all difficulties!



Installation Guides

Creador tiene canal de discord para brindar soporte al addon ?
Clear ghast on overworld pls
A question or future idea regarding the generators (Mobs spawner), the ones in structures/dungeons, that generate the mob they have inside, I wanted to know if this feature would apply, for example that there is light level 6 for example (or light level 0 to 7) and that the mob generator can generate a mob next to it, in short, the Mob generator continues to work at light level 0 to 7, as it did previously, since currently it comes for defect that can only work and generate Mobs at level 0 only (the generator block)
make it to where the player moves slower
El mod es brutalmente inestable y demasiado desbalanceado, prácticamente no se puede hacer nada, tienes que tener la suerte de que te toque una semilla buena, de noche o de día los mobs joden. No lo digo porque sea malo, si algo me ha traído aquí es el que el minecraft es muy fácil y monótono, hasta en hardcore, pero esta cosa es simplemente injugable, para que sea lo más balanceado posible hay que colocarlo en Harder y en la dificultad de juego en normal. Al hacer spawn de muchos mobs el juego se pone inestable, tuve que colocarlo en un servidor para mejorar el rendimiento y aun así en un servidor con 16GB de RAM y 2vcores va muy inestable, tuve que invitar amigos para hacer de la experiencia un poco mejor y ayudarme de más addons para que balancear más la dificultad. Recomendaciones: Los endermands que no aparezcan en manada, por lo menos no en la dificultad Harder, por lo menos que sean pasivos hasta que te acercas a cierta distancia, que los creepers no exploten detrás de las paredes, es algo simplemente absurdo, la única forma de sobrevivir a eso es estar bajo 30 bloques en el spawn y rezar para que no haya cuevas, e iluminar todo. Que los mobs con armaduras las suelten siempre dichas armaduras, por lo menos en Harder, y darle nerf al dia y buff a la noche. Lo único que me gusto fue que los animales pasivos como cerdos y vacas te ataquen si los ataquen, algo que tiene mucho realismo y aprecio bastante de este addon
Que gran trabajo hiciste cambiando la dificultad del juego, la dificultad que siempre busque. Tengo dos peticiones que agradecería que lo pensarás, la primera es que dividas las dificultades en diferentes packs de descargar, pensaba meter tu addon en un reamls, pero ya sabes, bugbedrock y no me deja cambiarle la dificultad demon a insane, desconozco la razón y segundo que las armaduras de diamante y netherite que lleven los mobs, al matarlos no la puedas obtener, así le das un extra de dificultad, probando tu addon, como puede ser que iniciando el mundo ya tenga pechera y botas de netherite y pantalones de diamantes encantando, llevo ventaja desde un inició y me parece injusto.
Gracias por comentar, tomare en cuenta lo que dijiste, y si es mejor que los enemigos tengan una posibilidad mas baja de dejar caer sus armaduras.
hola podrias crear un mod que nos permita que los lobos golems y mobs domesticables tengan mas salud para que nos ayuden a luchar contra esto tan dificil?
It really is on the insane difficulty when the skeletons move like gamers and doing 360s😭
Seriously though, impressive work!
You should add a impossible mode that makes days shorter quadrouples all mobs health , doubles their damage and everything thats in insane mode along with it as well as everything being harder too mine
(amazing mod btw i hope you keep it updated)
Hola podrias hacer un addon que modifique solo a los bosses de minecraft
Si claro , pero que cosas cambiarán a los bosses del juego?
La dificultad pero solo a los bosses tipo ender dragon y witther
Entiendo, lo creare, ¡gracias por la recomendación!
Muchas Gracias llevo tiempo buscando un addon que hiciera eso
I apologize, I just saw that you have an addon that meets these characteristics!!!!!

You are very cool, very cool, of course!

I have been using the news on the mcpedl page every day and I had not come across this, I even use your Mobs golem addon which is great and I had not noticed the other one, my apologies, I am going to try it delighted !! Thank you
You could make a package of this great add-on, but make it lighter, for example, so that the distance in which they see you is not 64 blocks, but it is greater than the usual distance of the base game, this to avoid lag on devices of medium or low range, also when adding it to a world with other addons already included
I can add a subpack reducing the detection distance, and also its spawn rate to avoid lag
Cool!! Thanks!!
A more serious feature that various Mobs will climb like spiders or break essential blocks like beds, chests, iron doors, glass or something similar.
It's a good idea, I'll add it, thanks for the recommendation!

The java mod "epic siege mod" has good and varied features to draw inspiration from, such as the Mobs, if you attack a pig it defends itself and the other pigs also defend it, the spider being close to the player leaves a cobweb 🕸 to catch it, in bed you can only save spawn but not sleep to spend the night and many other curious things
If that mod is really good, I think I can add some of those features!, By the way, I don't know if you speak Spanish, but I just want to say that if that's your language, you can write to me in Spanish!
Muchas gracias, si es mod muy genial con muchas características que incluso el mismo mod permite cambiar, y si hablo español jaja, gracias!!
Hellos, the mob of more addon have the same behavior?

Thanks you for the work is fantastic
hi, my addon "horde of mobs" does not use the same behavior as this addon, however do not activate both, since this addon also increases the amount of mobs, In other words, activating both will not increase your spawn rate even more, thanks for commenting!