Disenchanter Table Addon

This addon adds a new block to the game called the Disenchanter Table. The Disenchanter Table is unique block that will add a whole new disenchanting mechanic in the game.

Select version for changelog:


Version 1.20.8x:

- Updated Addon For Minecraft Version 1.20.80. .


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

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For people not understanding the point of this addon, the table SPLITS the enchants off of the item you disenchant, instead of just removing them for xp.

So you could put in an enchanted book that has Sharp 5, Protection 4, and Riptide 3... and you would get an individual book for each of those enchants out! That way none of the enchants get wasted.

This also allows you to extract enchants you want from gear you find, so it can be reapplied to a different item.
it's the other disenhanting table in normal minecraft but with style. I'll take it!
Recien salio pero podria actualizarlo para la 1.20.80? Ya no quita el encantamiento :(
Pfff it's a very good addon, it's a shame that you have to forcefully activate experimental functions couldn't you make it vanilla?
because experiments ruin survival worlds
very useful, its interface is bigger than the screen and I had a lot of books and interacting, they all disappear
does using this reset the anvil cost for the item?
please update the mod for the 1.20.50
n esta funcionando na 1.20.50, quando põe o bloco na primeira vez no mundo funciona, depois para de funcionar pra sempre. Por favor atualizem
é assim mesmo, sempre que o Minecraft atualiza o addon para de funcionar, agora é só entrar diariamente e atualizar a página pra ver se ele atualizado pra .50 kk
I thought this table would give a lot of advantage but no, the fact that it asks for amethyst as a catalyst is very well balanced 10/10!

Minecraft Version: 1.20.41
Minecraft Realms: Yes
Used to work, no longer working on realms for newest update
This is a very nice addon c:
it doesnt work on realms
Parou de funcionar no realms :(
Excellent work, and good on you for staying on top of updates!