Published on August 06, 2023

Duck Texture Pack By ItikGamemix

Duck Texture Pack In Minecraft!

This texture pack brings you a duck in the game! You can use this texture pack without addons and no need to disable achievements. This texture pack also has custom sounds and a cute model that I've made. Enjoy!


1. Change the texture of the chicken to a cute duck.

2. Added some duck sounds.

3. Added plop sound when laying an egg.


Select version for changelog:


Fixed some bugs that occurred.


  1. Fixed chicken texture to a duck properly
  2. Fixed steps sound duration

Fixed bug that step sound not working properly

Please let me know if you have found any bugs that occured after this changelog. Thanks!



Supported Minecraft versions


Installation Guides

This is my first ever post.
why I choose to make a duck? because my YouTube channel name is Itik Gamemix and Itik mean Duck In Malaysia. That's why I choosed to create a duck. Hehehe hope you enjoyed with my duck!