Published on December 27, 2023 (Updated on December 27, 2023)

Escape Room 1.20

Welcome to Escape Room 1.20 my newest escape room map. Immerse yourself in a mysterious maze filled with cunning puzzles, mind-bending riddles, and thrilling parkour challenges. The dimly lit bedrock rooms echo with the promise of adventure as you navigate through intricately designed chambers. Decode cryptic clues, solve enigmatic riddles, and master ragequitting parkours to escape this labyrinth of secrets. This is not just a map; it's an immersive experience that tests your IQ and decision making. Can you escape and prove yourself the ultimate escapist? The challenge awaits!

Select version for changelog:


Unlike my old escape room, thia one is now compatible with 1.20


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides