Published on January 29, 2024 (Updated on January 28, 2024)

Fungus Hazard

This Mod is inspired by the infectious agent from the video game story The Last of Us,

adapted to the Minecraft video game by means of a system of infection and growth in phases,

It should be noted that there is zero chance of adding modern weapons, I will focus on the spread of the virus.

of the infection with hints of vanilla, with a more realistic style, and without incoherent ways of life,

as a reference point to the Scape and Run Parasite Java Mod.

Select version for changelog:


It is Alpha version, there are no changes at the moment, due to some bugs they report it in the comments :D



Supported Minecraft versions

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Hello!!! . . . I remind you that you must activate the experimental options, so that it works without any problem. 😊

I would also like to inform you what news or advances of the Mod I will be posting from my Instagram :
The fungus does not grow and there are no mushrooms.
Pretty good mod, very easy to survive if you're know what you're doing.
we need more phases!!
are you gonna add the stronger mobs like the Shambler in the next update
I add new sound on infected mobs
Dear Users. . . I inform you that the update has been delayed due to a problem I had with my computer 😥📉
tutorial make add-on in mcpedl
its ok, take your time
Im so excited about this addon but there hasn’t been any update since idk we need new phases 🙏
Can someone tell me how to apload the mod on ly survival world? plis
good mod. but are you gonna add more infected stages or mobs?
Hey man, I thought this addon was cool and has a lot of potential, but are you going to add more infected in the next update and the rest too?
ScarletBuildingTeam March 11, 2024 at 7:06 am
hello ; can i use your addon for my winter survival map ? ill credit you of course !
I can’t wait to see the next update
Hey, this mod is great! I think these may be already planned out but is every mod getting a fungus counterpart? is this inspired by not only the last of us but also scape and run?
Hello again, I just wanted to tell you that your mod is still wonderful but could in the future update you be able to make the infects die faster and their bodies on the ground disappear after a while because after a some time the game lags because of too many entities