Published on September 19, 2023 (Updated on April 08, 2024)

Mineral Golems by ForeverAPigman

Welcome to Mineral Golems! In this Addon, I have a number of unique Golems with useful features. These Golems are created using the new Soul Core block and the Trapped Soul item, both of which I will explain how to obtain. Anyway, enough of the introduction! Let’s get into the Golems.

Select version for changelog:

  • Mineral Golems in no longer in beta! Hooray!
  • Added Diorite Golem
  • Added Granite Golem
  • Added Andesite Golem
  • Added Obsidian Golem

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

you should make it so you can ride the end stone golem that would be sick but 100/10 mod rite there
You CAN ride the End Stone Golem. Did I not make that clear, or are you just messing with me?
» EditingAlloy642 « May 08, 2024 at 10:15 am
Hi! Can you tell me about the mechanics of creating golems? I wanted to add such a golem creation mechanic to my mod, I will be grateful for the answer ;)
Are you asking about how it works? Uh, okay sure I'll tell you. So basically, when you right-click the Trapped Soul, it actually summons an entity called golem_soul. What golem_soul does is it runs a function using /function. A function is basically a group of commands stored in the functions folder of the behavior pack. The function in this case is called zpig.golem_soul2. zpig.golem_soul2 is a very large group /execute commands that checks for certain blocks, and if they are found it then summons the corresponding Golem and gets rid of the blocks of the structure. Keep in mind that golem_soul is the one running the /execute commands. Is this information helpful? Feel free to ask any other questions if you have them.
» EditingAlloy642 « May 11, 2024 at 12:59 pm
Thank you very much! I also wanted to know, through what program do you make these structures for golems?
I didn't use any kind of program to make the structures. The function is just some /execute commands using the if block subcommand. Here is an example:

"execute as @s positioned ~~~ if block ~~-1~ zpig:soul_core if block ~~-2~ dirt run summon zpig:dirt_golem ~~~"

This /execute command will summon a Dirt Golem. Remember, the command is being run by the golem_soul entity. The first part of the command ("execute as @s positioned ~~~") is basic /execute syntax and is just setting up the command. The next part ("if block ~~-1~ zpig:soul_core if block ~~-2~ dirt run summon zpig:dirt_golem ~~~") is basically saying "If the block one block under the golem_soul is a Soul Core, and the block two blocks under the golem_soul is a Dirt block, then run the command /summon zpig:dirt_golem ~~~". So when a Trapped Soul is right-clicked on top of a Soul Core, this command will spawn a Dirt Golem. To account for the other sides of the Soul Core, simply change the "positioned ~~~" part of the command. For example, if you wanted to change the command so that it summons the Golem when the Trapped Soul is used on the east side of the Soul Core, just change the positioned subcommand to "positioned ~1~1~". Make sure to account for all six sides of the block. I hope this helps. Again, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask them.
» EditingAlloy642 « May 14, 2024 at 8:53 am
Thank you very much again! thanks to you, I was able to master "/execute". Good luck to you!🤝
You're welcome! Good luck to you as well!
what will be your next addon foreverapigman I'm very excited your addons are very good
Thanks! I'm first going to update Ore Golems. After that, I think I'm going to work on some smaller projects before I do something big again.
Very Coold Add-on. Do you planning want to redesign terracotta golem and clay golem?
Thanks, but why would I redesign the Clay and Terracotta Golems?
cause they look basic
They are supposed to look basic. They're fine how they are.
great addon, I would definitely use it in a world of themed constructions of some dimension or something like that!
Just a question so I can be more like you, what program do you make these addons on?
I use several different programs actually. So for the models and animations, I use Blockbench to create them. You can find out more information about Blockbench and how to download it at ''. For the textures, I use Paint 3D to make them. I think Blockbench also has a texture creator thing, but I prefer Paint 3D, because I am more familiar with it. For the behaviors and other general files, I just use Visual Studio Code to edit that. You can learn more about VS Code at ''. However, there is also another program that is made specifically for Minecraft Addons called Bridge. I tried to use Bridge, but I had already been using VS Code for years, so I just stuck with it. But if you are a beginner, I suggest trying out a few different IDEs to see which ones you like. Here is the Bridge website: ''. Another very helpful resource is the Minecraft Bedrock Edition Creator Documentation, which you can find here: ''. The documentation has some helpful tutorials that you can follow, and it also contains information about different Minecraft components, once you start to get the hang of things. Another helpful documentation website is the Bedrock Wiki, ('') which also contains some tutorials and stuff like that. And if you ever want to learn how one of my Golems works, feel free to open up its code and take a look. So yeah, that's pretty much it. If you try hard enough and keep at it, you can create some amazing things! Good luck!
but the improved golems would work like this an item/block would be used to make the Golem if improved like the calcite gaining effect arrows or the Stone gaining armor and the moss golem healing more and obviously their visuals being changed would be epic combined with the channel it would be good.
So give every Golem some kind of upgrade? To be honest, I'm kind of tired of Golems right now. I'll just update Ore Golems and then I'm taking a break from them for a while.
the channel would be cool and very useful in fact if you could a Discord server it would be even better your addons are incredible imagine how good it would be and the egg arrows were a mistake
I might think about getting a Discord server.
Ok, new idea! So, once the 1.21 update is out, what if we have a Dense Golem, from the HEAVY CORE? It could be a extremely powerful neutral golem that has insane knockback, but uses 4 iron blocks, the heavy core, the soul core, and a netherite block? So it would hit the ground and it would have mace hit particles, and any entity (including you!) besides giant things like the netherite golem and diamond golem that is in the area of effect gets launched far away in different directions! Perfect for crowd control or fights with 40 wardens or something, but not safe like the Andesite golem for a launcher. It should also have tons of health. Maybe shaped like a hunched over netherite golem without the monstrosity head, a giant heavy core in the middle of its body, made of what looks like a netherite-iron alloy.
The Heavy Core isn't any kind of naturally generating Mineral. It looks pretty artificial, so I won't be making a Golem out of it. Now about your idea, I don't really think so. Sorry. Your idea just isn't what I need. And besides, I'm done with Mineral Golems. I am submitting the full version today. Just gotta wait until it gets approved. If Mojang ever adds more Minerals, or anything else I can make a Golem out of, then I will create a Golem for it. But until then, I don't think I'll be making any more Golems. Thanks for the idea anyway.
ok but what about that idea of ​​the piglins from Mine legends in vanilla will you create the addon?
ok so the update will arrive this week or next week?
I'm thinking maybe early next week.
The update will come out next week, right?
Well... ...that was the plan, but I think I might need more time. It might come out next week, but no promises. Sorry.