Published on April 15, 2021 (Updated on October 25, 2021)

More Spartan Armors AddonV2

This addon adds different types of armors to the game ,

you can find netherite Spartan armor , Diamond Spartan armor , Iron Spartan armor , Golden Spartan armor .

All armors difference between each other at protection, knockback resistance, and durability .

This is the addon , hope you enjoy .

Good luck .

Select version for changelog:


Adds new Emerald armor, stronger than Diamond,

And edit addon title, to ( More Spartan Armor Addon V2 )

This is the update, hope you enjoy it.

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Bruh it didn't work on 1.19
En 1.19 no funciona el crafteo de las botas de hierro espartanas, me sale la receta de las de diamante y desapareció el crafteo de los pantalos de diamante espartanas. ¿Podría corregir el error y agregar el nuevo encantamiento sigilo rápido y velocidad de alma?
I absolutely love it. I just wanted to ask, can I use it as a template for custom armors and use the textures/model/code for them aswell? I will credit you.
Great addon but it is just way too easy to get only needing 2 netherite ingots to make spartan netherite armour
Can you make a texture that removes the weird red things on the helmet Also can you make it easier to obtain the armor, like instead of using entire blocks why not just individual ingots.
Since that would be way way too easy for something very powerful
Why i can't craft the golden set even though I follow the steps
couple complaints:
golden armor is stronger than iron?
Not craftable in survival
Durability not working
The last two may be because I'm using other mods with this one.
I guess because other mods , I test it before and it works 100% , I don't know if it has a lot of bugs , but i will test it again and see bugs and fix it then update the Addon .
I absolutely loved it, since I never thought custom armor can be made til now that CAN also be put on an armor stand. I just wanted to ask, can I use it as a template for custom armors for my addon? I'll credit you of course and I contacted you here since I cannot contact you anywhere else.
Você Não acha que está muito difícil de fazer essas armadura?
Porfavor faça com que a armadura de netherite não use blocos para ser feita
Ele disse anteriormente que deveria ser caro porque a armadura é muito boa
Looks nice mate, but for some reason I cant import the files. Im not getting an error code, so Im not sure what the issue it.
Try to download ZIP file and extract it then but extracted files in Mcpe .
Unfortunately, that didn't work either. If you update this addon in the future ill try again then, thanks for the help.
Finally got it working, the only issue is the armor isn't craftable in survival