Published on December 07, 2022

No More Rare Saddles

Horses, donkeys, and even mules are the easiest transportation naturally available in Minecraft. However, to safely steer your equine friends... you have to get a saddle. And there are only a few places to get them in the overworld (and outside of it). 

Recent updates have made them slightly more accessible (curse you old nether fortresses!!!), but I've always found it asinine to make the player scavenge across the worlds to get them. I mean, how many times have you gone through village after village, dungeon after dungeon, fortress after fortress... and when you finally manage to find that blasted saddle... You decide to NEVER get another horse because the experience left a sour taste in your mouth. And Notch forbid that your steed meets an early demise, and you have to risk enduring all that bad luck ALL OVER AGAIN. 

Well I fixed that, so now you can get a saddle without all that hassle, and I'm gonna tell you how.

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  • No_More_Rare_Saddles.mcaddon (178.24 KB)

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You're an life saver! I been looking for saddle for few hours now exploring dungeon and stuff to ride a dragon (from addon) and have 0 luck! I consider giving up after all the addons i saw is just overpowered crafting + saddle so this is perfect since is solo!