Published on January 08, 2024 (Updated on January 16, 2024)

Pridepack: Bedrock Edition

This is a Pride themed resource pack made by Pridecraft Studios, a small group of queer people focused on theming Minecraft around LGBTQ+ Pride, now ported for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.

Select version for changelog:


This is the first release of Pridepack: Bedrock Edition, Format 2, Patch 0.
It's a complete port of Java Pridepack, excluding lang and unreleased changes.
This should work on all bedrock compatible devices, please let us know if anything ever breaks.

This patch fixes the project page in mcpedl, removing non-functioning buttons and adding a disclaimer.
Why do we have to make a change log to project page settings? I don't know.
It's kind of stupid and only makes us want to post here less.



Installation Guides

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Reminder that sending homophobic comments or trying to get us "To accept God" will not do anything against the active development of this Resource Pack.
It's not like we're rejecting god either so
Pridecraft Studios May 04, 2024 at 11:01 pm
Why are these fkin kids so stupid.
They all came and put homophobic comments for no reason thinking it'll affect us
Is there a version where it's only the beds?
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bro spent 6 minutes at 3am spamming the same message on a random mcpedl post.
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