Published on October 23, 2020 (Updated on May 03, 2024)

SERP Pokédrock (Pokémon Addon) | Rock-throwing & Crop-growing Update (Bugfix)

Welcome to the world of Pokédrock! This addon have a battle system, mounts, a lot of mechanics and real evolutions. If you want to enjoy the full experience of the addon, install all resource packs!

-please read the installation guide and the changelog

It is forbidden to redistribute, edit the files or stole codes of this addon, if you will make a Review please give credits. Apps in the play store and other pages are illegal, please don't support them. mcpedl and are the only official sites.

Select version for changelog:



-New description for MCPEDL

-The generations behaviors are not needed now

-A lot of icons were fixed

-Storage PC was fixed, just update and use /function reset or delete each duplicate tags

-More optimization

-Important and minor bugs fixed


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Pinned comment
Minecraft has just been updated to version 1.20.80, this addon is now compatible
Pokemon not swaping on caves
hi, the addon is great, I just think that the structures have a very low spawn rate, they are very rare
The spawn rate depends a lot of the terrain generation
I think there should be a little change in their generation, I didn't find the poke center at all, it's impossible to find naturally, it would be good to make it more common, seeing as the poke center is extremely important
nightmarethevamphog May 05, 2024 at 9:31 am
How do I give pokemon rare candy? When I try to they sit, even when I try crouching. I just tried and it's the same with stones. also how do I battle other pokemon and NPCs?
you hit your pokemon with the candy in your hand, and to battle you have to hit your opponent pokemon with the compass in your hand and then your pokemon
Hey I need help... When i activate the addons it will say no play store thing, that deletes all pokemon, gen 1,2,3 and base addon has no play store thingy
Why when I enter and it shows the dialog and when I press accept everything is blank and I can't move
That's weird. But the addon don't have nothing that restricts movement
how to serp.offering I want mew but it's said serp.offering how
Hlo can anyone tell me command to spawn pokemon
/summon pokemon:p1 and there is a lot of numbers you can summon
Pero porque cuando instalo los mcpacks solo me sale los paquetes de recursos y no de comportamiento, esq hay que descargar algo mas??
no se necesitan los comportamientos de ninguna generación, solo de la base
There's a bug I'd like to report to you. Onix still appears pixelated, and Pokémon saved in the PC disappear when I select Pokémon in slots 2-6, causing the Pokémon in slot 1 to disappear. For example:

Here are the numbers for each Pokémon slot:
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24

When I select a Pokémon in slot 1, everything is fine. But when I choose a Pokémon in slots 2-6, say, in slot 8 I select Lapras, the Pokémon in slot 1 at number 8 disappears.

So, that's the only bug I've encountered with this add-on. I hope it gets fixed soon because I still want to continue my survival.
download again and use /function reset or delete all the duplicate tags
just a heads up, i believe that the PC box might be a bit broken since I go to view the pokemon in the second box and it shows the pokemon in that position in the first box, and when I took the pokemon from the second box it took the one from the first box aswell
I really love this mod but there is changes that u didn't mention in ur yt like the new way to get legendary evidence but l already know hot to get the evidence but when l tried clicking the hoopa ring with the legendary offering it doesn't work a random just keep appearing whyyy and how??
Why are the Pokémon’s images the pixelated version please change it to the 3d designs instead of the 2d
Falta elemento necesario con ID 'bff02548-6ef9-4c69-a527-b9b0b58eeba6' y versión '1.21.0'. I am on version 1.20.81, I only installed the base of the mod but This problem did not occur before, do I have to install all the packages for this to be solved, or is it a bug? Please confirm this doubt not to install the package not at all. Thank you
Hi Zac, love this mod and all the work you do, however with recent update pokeballs now won't work, is there a new add on for the pokemon to work with the new base addon? or am I doing something wrong, please help 👍
plsease send screenshoots and a detailed description to know your bug in my discord