Published on March 21, 2020 (Updated on March 28, 2020)

Smaller Bees

This is the first addon that I create to officially publish. Search and search, and I did not find any texture pack or addon that fulfilled what I wanted; so I had to do it myself.

Select version for changelog:


Repair .zip download link.

Since some users did not work correctly the download link.


  • Smaller bees By Luferchu.mcaddon

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

What happend to the baby bee?
Guest-5757073448 May 02, 2020 at 1:20 am
This should be a resource pack not a add-on
I can't be just a resource pack since you need a behavior pack to make it all work
Will the beezzz fly trrruh smallerr zzpacess aszwel, ==> Szmallerr hitboxzz....
Yes, yes they will. Everything shrinks, even the hitbox.
Download isn't working - when I try to import, I get "Not a valid .zip archive". I've tried redownloading, same message.
tthis is actually good, unlike thrr other "addoons" I found! only suggestion: maybe move this to the texturre pack section?
That's the problem, it's not a texture pack, it's an addon ... I created it with a program to do it, I don't know how to make it texture. But yes, it would be the best idea, so you could use it in any world.
I'm going to learn how to do it and I'll bring you an update.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Is this with the Queen Bee add-on?
No, it only makes the bees smaller.
Heck no, they look stupidly small
that is the point.......
What about spiders
they are big on purpose- the official handbook confirms that
Well imagine trying to hit them.And because they are so small they won't do any damage, realistically
They're Australian Spiders