Published on February 20, 2021 (Updated on July 28, 2021)

Space.PE 2 - Global Update

SpacePE is an addon for Minecraft Bedrock, which adds space to the game. Currently it contains 4 terrestrial planets with something like custom dimensions and many space blocks, items, ores... Let's go into space!

Select version for changelog:


Version 2.0 - Hotfix 2

  • fixed a bug due to which aluminum was not generated on version 1.17
  • fixed a bug due to which skyboxes broke when flying from one planet to another



  • sp2hf2.mcaddon (2.42 MB)
  • (2.42 MB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

No it’s not, it’s not updated to 1.20.80 and the planets are very limited in size. Please update it and make the planets multiple times bigger PLEASE!
Vivugo66tazalala May 11, 2024 at 8:17 am
bro this is the best space mod if anyone says the opposite im sending markup lier to come and punch you
could u update, and make the planets bigger?
I tried it, and it still seems to work for the most part on an android plating on minecraft v1.20.51
this ones kinda compatible with any addon i suggest this one if u want a space adventure with other addons
What version did you play it in ?
Please update for 1.19.50
This is the best addon I have ever played! I cannot think of any complaints about this addon even though I'm on android (you know how hardly anything ever works on android). I never knew it was possible for addons to be able to take you to space (I thought only Java Edition mods could do that) so now I am going to space at least a hundred times a day. Keep up the good work and please add more planets in the future (Neptune, Jupiter, Asteroids, ability to go to the Sun, and the like). But anyway, keep up the good work and please check out some of my maps, seeds, skins, ect..
Jest mozliwosc powrotu na ziemie bez modulu!!!!
Wystarczy wypasc z planety!!!!
Moja przyjaciółka lisekcom(tak brzmi jej nick w grze) mówi ze to nie jest kosmos tylko tapeta!!!!!!!!! Prosze to naprawic!!!
The download links are expired, could you renew them so the addon is playable again? Thank you !!
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I know you're lying