The Island of Machines (1.0.3 Release)

This map is a skyblock map with  twist. It has machines made from commands and it's a different way to get resources other than exploration and using a shop. It currently has about 30 islands and 8 machines to work with. Quests are also in the world. There's about 75 of them.

Select version for changelog:

  1. Added 2 new islands
  2. Added 1 new machine
  3. Added a warden boss
  4. Added 12 new quests
  5. 1.19 additions included
  6. Read me book slightly changed



  • The_Island_of_Machines_1.0.3.mcworld (218.41 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

It might work in 1.17 as it uses an old void world to make. Also there are nothing beyond y0-256, and I can't test it. You can try it, if it works tell me.
Can you make it 1.17.31 to? please i don't have 1.18
It won't download as a zip file
for me
It's not a zip file. I think decompressing the contents then recompressing it might
A Person Called Ragnarok February 01, 2022 at 7:36 am
very cool my dude