Published on March 03, 2024 (Updated on March 01, 2024)

Zombie Survival City!!!

(Before we start I have permission from the creators to use the mods in my world I chat with them in discord)Hello my name is thatUNOguy420 and I am a map creator and this is a post apocalyptic map the map is kind of huge but it's decent it also has loot and a lot of things to explore and I also put some mods to make it feel more apocalyptic such as guns,meds,zombie behavior ect. 

Select version for changelog:


Did some changes with the description and that's basically all I'll be making more content 😄



  • (35.05 MB)

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Effort- EX
You passed zombie invasion city making
Australia, Brisbane
can't install bro make it not a zip
can't install
Overall, I think your card is really good. You distributed the loot very well. So not too much and not too little. The card is also very nice. I downloaded it in the app and am now playing it with friends in my world. I give it 5 stars 😁⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
can't import it it would say failed to import world