Published on January 10, 2025 (Updated on January 12, 2025)

Add-on for Aplok Guns v1.0.1

This add-on will change the Aplok Gun addon mag crafting recipes, the new crafting recipe will be more friendly to low-end devices and ease to craft or if you don't like using default crafting menu of the Aplok Gun v1.1.1 or higher

Select version for changelog:


Version 1.0.1

Change log:

-Add ammo workbench recipe (i forget add recipe for this)

-Add option to choose model (shell/ammo workbench)



  • Addon_for_Aplok_Gun_AAG_BP.mcpack (199.13 KB)
  • Addon_for_Aplok_Gun_v1.0.1.mcaddon (378.27 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Pinned comment
This is not a copy, I just created this add-on like a pack using another pack but not stealing the owner's pack, just adding new crafting recipes and the code in this add-on is almost entirely written by me or referenced from many other sources
Update v1.0.1 Has some new options
I loved your add-on, it's very good, but can you do something like this with more difficulty for 2067 warfare with separate tables? with much more difficulty, if you can that's fine I would really appreciate it But if You can't, it's okay, I'm not forcing you. Thanks for reading.
Sorry, I am not qualified enough to make the item recipes in Addon 2067 Warfare more harder and i not have much free time to code
-It not hard to make recipes more hard, i try make full gun parts and use gun parts to make a guns
the es El Numero
This is not a copy, I just created this add-on like a pack using another pack but not stealing the owner's pack, just adding new crafting recipes and the code in this add-on is almost entirely written by me or referenced from many other sources
Update v1.0.1 Has some new options
copied u are not Gabriel
I do not copy content, the code in this add-on is mostly written by me
no way this guy copied the owners addon
I did not copy the content, maybe the title I gave is a bit confusing but all the code in this add-on is mostly written by me
yea you're right this isn't a copy, he just made something like a pack that uses another pack but doesn't steal the owners pack, just adds some features and new code systems
There are no package resources
The add-on does not need a resource pack to work, at least until v1.0.1
rellt bro îs fire
aplok guns E BRASILEIRO
finalmente outro Br nesse app
the owner of apocalypse guns said not to do this he did not want someone to do this
wrong, the owner of aploks guns said we are not allowed to copy or published in different site, owner said making a addon for aplok guns are not allowed if it's just like a ripoff but this isn't a ripoff so it's allowed!
aplok guns approve this?