Advanced Storage Network (1.19 Fix)

Advanced Storage Network adds a machine that can finally fix your chest problem. The Storage Terminal can hold an infinite amount of any items in the game, including all modded items. Finally, all your stuff in one place.

Select version for changelog:

  • updated to 1.19.50                  


Supported Minecraft versions

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please update this add-on
so everyone knows i have talked to the creator, he has offical stop all updates to his addon, they will never be updated, but if any addon creator out there is allowed to update his addon as he has gven premission for,
I'm able to place the items but can't use them at all
Same for me, I can't pick up the storage unit neither does the storage export/import bus work. However I cans till put item into the storage unit. So just take your time and good luck fixing this glitch/bug.
Idk if it is the same for other people but the Level Emitter, Export Bus, Import Bus don't work and I can't pick up the storage unit
Can you please fix this
Please update for 1.51.01
Hi there, do you have plans on updating this addon? It's very awesome but doesn't work on 19.50, it would be very much appreciated
can you make a copy of this addon for 1.18.32 i play edu and is on that update so pls could you
All you need to do is turn the .mcaddon into a .zip file by changing that part of the name, then decompressing the .zip file, and going into the manifest.json and edition the min game version
Can you make it so you can export stuff into furnaces BUT you need a special export port for it that sorts through fuels and smeltable?
Minecraft Gamer Nation August 12, 2022 at 5:45 pm
Please update it to 1.19.20 because it keep crashing my world because it need to be updated
does this use player/.json
Can we Get upgraded version for Minecraft+ Modpack for 1.19+
Can I reprint it to the Chinese website
Hello, author, can I get your authorization to upload this module to the Chinese version of My World?
Great concept but the Ui need work. So much of the available area is taken up with working. Just use the same text number over the item that Mojang uses in its inventory. I have a massive chest monster and it would take forever to scroll all the pages just to fine what I need. Maybe rather then different pages in the UI make it so its scrolls on a single page. If you can do that this would be amazing.