Published on November 17, 2024

Classic Water

This pack adds the classic water textures prior to Update Aquatic! This is a work in progress at the moment since this is my first pack & I'm still figuring things out. At the moment all this pack does is apply the blue tint to the surface and change its texture.

Select version for changelog:


First Version!

Don't expect much as this is the first version, this only covers the basics.

  • Water biome tinting is reversed (except for swamps)
  • Old water fog
  • Old water color


  • Classic_Water.mcpack (61.05 KB)


Installation Guides

It would be great if you could make a texture that removes the dark edges of the screen, when entering the negative layers, it would be very cool and unique, also a texture that gives back the shine to the potions would be great.
es muy raro ver agua vieja en mundo nuevo xd