Fox and wolf fight In this addon, you can create a battlefield with foxes and wolves equipped with weapons. Now the foxes can attack back. Since this is a beta version, SpawnRule has not been added yet, but it will be added in the next Update In the current version, 6 foxes and 6 wolves have been added. Two of them are ordinary fighting mobs, so I won't explain them in detail
Published on
August 04, 2022
I had some ideas to make the battle even cooler:
Exploding Fox and Wolf: A fox/wolf with TNT strapped to its back that slowly creeps up to enemies to explode and damage them. Similar to a creeper but less annoying. The blast can’t destroy blocks. If it’s tamed, it won’t die after exploding, so it can explode as many times as it wants, until it gets killed by a mob. It has the same health as a creeper.
Evolved Fox: This isn’t your average fox. It is similar to a human and has muscle. It attacks by punching and has a ranged attack by throwing sweet berry bombs. He isn’t like an ordinary fox, because he has a more human body allowing him to move slightly faster and do things a normal fox can’t. Has a chance to spawn with war markings. Has the same health as a hoglin.
Robo-Wolf: He isn’t your average wolf. In fact, he isn’t a wolf at all. He’s a killer robot to defend the wolves and fight the foxes. He is similar to the evolved fox, with the human body and all, and has a wolf like appearance while still looking like a cyborg. But instead of sweet berry bombs, he has wrist rockets as his ranged attack and can punch you. His bitter rival is the evolved fox. Has the same health as a hoglin.
Hope you like these ideas!
I will Try!
Mini Tank Fox/Wolf: Better move out of the way when these critters on wheels roll through. They wear army helmets and their tanks look like miniature battle tanks. They attack by shooting tank bullets. They are pretty tanky (no pun intended) so they can withstand a good amount of damage. Their tanks have their respective colors on them. For example the foxes have orange tanks and the wolves have grey tanks. When they die, their tanks explode and the pilots fall off.
Hope you like the new idea!
If both teams choose, they will fight each other