Published on December 17, 2024

Green Day Painting Pack

This addon simply changes most of the painting variants in Minecraft to Green Day things. Every album is included. All 2x2 paintings are now the albums from 23/smooth to American idiot. This includes Cigarettes and Valentines. And the 3x3 paintings are now the rest. I have included a Java and Bedrock version of this addon

Select version for changelog:


No changes have been made to this draft or the files. 



  • Green_Day_Painting_Pack.mcpack (25.64 MB)
  • Green_Day_Painting_Pack_Java.mcpack (4.18 MB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

I'd like to correct a typo I made. 23/smooth is supposed to be 39/smooth but for some reason autocorrect got the best of me XD