Published on July 06, 2022 (Updated on January 13, 2023)

Keystrokes v2 (Many Styles - Feather, Salwyrr and Lunar Client)

Have you ever gotten tired of the old, rusty Minecraft control pad's appearance? Well with this resource pack, you are able to get fully customizable designs for it which will appear on the top right of your screen. It can be used for various amount of things, one of which is if your video viewers would like to see it more accurately and compact, they're able to by just looking at the top right hand corner of your screen. Another thing it is useful for is to see how fast you click which some people find handy for maybe viewers or if you are getting screen-shared by a staff member of a server. This method is allowed and fully supported by Mojang as all it is doing is adding another design for the control pad so there is nothing wrong about it, how great is that!

Select version for changelog:


Keystrokes v2

  • Removed Badlion Client Keystrokes variant.
  • Added Feather Client Keystrokes variant.
  • Updated placement of the keystrokes.

Keystrokes v3

  • Added v1.19.51 support.
  • Fixed bugs.




Installation Guides

nah bro this mod is for pc players
this mod is for keyboard players guys chill
This doesn't even work
I love large blocks August 22, 2023 at 10:18 pm
not working
it is just static, it won't even move
please fix it because i can't find anything like this and i can't open application clients because my device doesn't support dll, i want to use it please fix it
Ok I'll try
Link target doesnt work : (
I certainly appreciate the contribution of this plugin, I also think that when you press the keys they emit light, but they are just static, it would be great if they did!, I hope that in future updates they can implement the idea.
I hope when its update again the keystroke has like green light thing wehn u touch the forward and reverse button
It looks cool but they aren’t functional, they just kinda exist there.