Published on August 19, 2020

Mammoth Add-on

What a mammoth add-on!! Ha! If you're still reading do yourself a favor and download these cuddly hairy elephants. You won't be sorry. Unless they stomp you before you can tame them, then you may be sorry.


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

but really good mammoth thing
what point to put this but it's no download
CAN YOU make a boy skin pack 2
What do you mean strays dont exeist irl
As Always You're Addons Are Always A joy To look at and review again it is awesome and dope good luck on future addons!!! :D
TheHippyHoppyHippo August 20, 2020 at 9:30 am
Which download URL (link) is the official?
This mod is an incredible and nice addition to the game. The only problem is that I have difficulties trying to make them sit or breed with another as I keep mounting them instead of interacting.