Published on June 28, 2021 (Updated on July 01, 2021)

Minecraft Beta Background Remover

Gets Rid of the beta background with the pandas you see in the beta versions. also gets rid the word "beta" that's under the title. Will have the 1.17 background no matter what version you are playing on so I will try to update it for future updates. Does not Get Rid of the Text at the top of the screen that shows your fps and other stuff. In the Global Resources menu where you enable the pack, have it at the bottom of the list so that if you have another pack that affects the title and/or the background, it wont be overridden by this pack.

Select version for changelog:


Added Some Instructions on how to use the pack and make it work.



  • beta_remover.mcpack (3.09 MB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides