The translation of Minecraft is worse so this texture pack would fix this problem of Traditional Chinese.
This pack also add a subpack for Traditional Chinese(Hong Kong)
It wouldn't change your texture, shader or UI so you can use this pack with other texture packs.
The translation in this pack is from game file and Crowdin.
Select version for changelog:
Add the translation of Axolotl Bucket, Frog, Frog Spawn Egg, Frog Egg, Tadpole, Tadpole Spawn Egg, Tadpole Bucket and Globe Banner Pattern.
中文Minecraft Wiki行政員Ff98sha製作了一款基岩版譯名修正資源包,適用於簡體中文,目前下載量破萬
Unlock this item for FREE
we finally can get rid of some ridiculous translation :))