Published on July 11, 2024 (Updated on October 30, 2024)

Minotaur Boss

Transforme seu mundo Minecraft Bedrock em uma terra de mitos e lendas com nosso incrível complemento Minotauro! Este complemento traz a poderosa criatura mitológica diretamente para o seu jogo, adicionando novos desafios, recompensas e uma experiência envolvente para todos os jogadores.

Select version for changelog:

  • ancient relic
    mythotaur axe
    minotaur with animation
    modified minotaur animation
    ax damage fixed
  • modified attack animations
  • concerted use of the relic
  • enchantment effect added to the boss's ax
    bug fixes added for minecraft 1.21.20
    Modified attack animations
    Modified Attack Animations and New animations for minotaur attacks
    fixed damage and life draining enchantments



Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Bla bla
what a shame that it needs HCF 😔
The mod is good and it's working, but I can point out some issues.

The addon is functioning, but the boss has some animation bugs. It keeps running straight in a weird way that I don't understand.

What could be improved?
The item it drops has no durability, and it's not possible to use enchantments on the Minotaur's axe. There's also a simple bug where, when I attack with the axe, it swings to the side as if I'm hitting with an item. I think you get it.

My suggestion, which you can ignore if you want:

1• It would be cool if the Minotaur's axe could be used to chop wood.

2• There could also be an artifact or armor in its loot.
Can't download. I don't even know how you got your Linkvertise links allowed.
Can't enable in worlds. When I look for it in my packs its not there and I know how to download addons because all my other addons are there. I try downloading other new addons and they work.
Can I share this page? Let more people see it, maybe they will like it, I hope you can agree.
Nice Addon
ummm I can’t download it it keeps saying worried maybe you can fix it because I really abt to download this son