Published on May 04, 2021

NBT Hacker Tools and Armor

Use gear that has over 30k protection!

This addon contains a world that gives you access to Minecraft's strongest tools. The NBT data forged within this armor is so powerful, that you can only die via void and /kill if you wear even 1 part of the armor. The tools are also extremely powerful, being able to 1 shot the ender dragon!

That's not all! You also get an epic-looking hacker base, with everything you need inside. But be warned- there's a trap! One particular piece of armor will crash the game of anyone who wears it. (Hint: The boots). Use this to deter and protect your armor from even the most cunning intruders. 


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Didn’t you just steal the items from here? The enchants are even in the SAME ORDER. That’s definitely not suspicious.
Why is it supported for 1.6 when it's on version 1.16? But anyways good work and I think you got inspiration from 2b2t's 32k weapons?
meh, i wish there were enchanted books for different levels