Published on April 29, 2021

Pigman Villagers

Do you hate the current look of Villagers? Are you seeking a more classic look more faithful to the old Minecraft? Pigman Villagers Changes the villager textures, sounds, animations and models for Pigmen for a more classic Minecraft feel, as it was always intended to be.



  • Pigman_villagers.mcpack (273.04 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions


Installation Guides

One more thing can you make iron golems resemble the Pigmans?
The Vindicator’s legs don’t move for some reason but every other part of his body works fine can you fix this possibly? Oh And Can you disconnect the wandering trader hands so that they have their hands out like a normal village Pigman? Please and Thx
huh, I must have overlooked it, I'll try fixing vindicators soon, as for the wandering traders I figured the crossed arms made sense so no I won't be changing that sorry
Fun fact: the original Pig villagers add-on started as a project for my friend's realms world, which is why I added a bunch of unnecessary features such as keeping Nitwit villagers on a leash and accessing their storage or turning baby villagers into nitwits by giving them cake, or the archer and warior villagers or even the goliath, they were all for my friend's realms world and not so much for an add-on for MCPedl. we moved to Java which is why I stopped supporting the original add-on, that and I was too lazy to rewrite everything again. that's why I only bothered to port the resource side and not the behavior side. I wanted the villager side to still be available in newer versions and not be filled with all this side extra content
Yay It is Finally Back!
Can you change Sounds of Wandering trader,Evoker,Vindicator,pillager, and witch?
Can you also make Vexes and Ravagers sound like Pigs too and Change their model to look like Pigs? Please and Thx
I really loved this Addon when it came out
I left the sounds stock since I though they fit and having all mobs sounding the same would be too bland, maybe I can try and find fitting pig sounds for them
You should change the illagers into piglins
i wanna change it’s texture into player texture, sorry if i have too, i’m always dreaming for player villager texture. great resource pack!
There already is a player villager texture on MCPEDL
my Pig model doesn't play well with Player textures, the geometry for the pig nose and farmer hat overlaps with player geometry, it results in broken faces
A long time ago, in a developer office...
I'd love to call myself a developer in an office, more like a guy in his parent's basement, lol