RAYLord Symphonia is a 16x resourcepack for Minecraft Bedrock that will change your enviroment to a more personalized one. Your game is more pleasing to the eyes and more smooth preserving the essence of Minecraft vanilla.
RAYLord Symphonia is currently incomplete but i'll update later.
Select version for changelog:
Hey nice to see you, it's been a long time since the last update, life is very busy these days.
In this update i have worked on:
-Logs and planks has been renovated.
-Cobblestone and mossy coblestone has been renovated
-Stonebricks has been renovated.
-Ores has been renovated.
-Nether blocks has been renovated
-Tools and more has been renovated!
-A lot of items like redstone, compass and clock.
-Leather and more utilizable items
-Natural blocks
-And more...
-Removed grass saturation.
-Removed ADFLY links, i have work now lol.
Removed adfly, i have work now lol
like the play, settings and marketplace buttons are transparent?
Transparent ui is only available for pvp version.
Removed adfly, i have work now lol
To do this you need to search the Minecraft files and search for the water and lava files, you will find thin and long images of 16x512, each 16x16 portion is a transition.
The texture pack looks really good and it's the type of texture pack I've had in mind but no one has made it. Anyway good job!
El pack es bello pero me gusta las caras de los animales son muy tiernos!
El pack es bello pero me gusta las caras de los animales son muy tiernos!