Stay True is a visual remaster of the current default texture pack, I tweaked and changed a lot of current textures that I thought needed it. The changes are not drastic and still fit perfectly with the current color scheme and textures of the default texture pack, many of these changes will add a lot more diversity, removing repetitiveness which in turn results in a more realistic and overall nicer appearance. (in my opinion :P)
Select version for changelog:
- Logs
- Terrain
- Pink & orange Birch leaves
- Signs
- Netherite Armor
- Etc etc....
- Made few changes to page
- Fixed few things in pack
- Changed pink leaves
- Smoker top on
- 3 blocks variations
- Fixed tnt purple black glitch
- Added textures of fences & pressure Plates
- Fixed download link
- Uploaded v3 pack in verification section
- Updated v3 pack in verification section