STOOL-API is a library for easier use of scriptAPI in managing servers or realms, and ServerTool is a script that uses the STOOL-API library for customization in this version.
Select version for changelog:
ServerTool v1.0.6 PATCH
- - adding properties rtp, Random Teleport Settings
- - adding plugin `rtp-general`
- - adding cooldown for rtp
- - adding plugin `warn-admin`
- - migrate CustomChat from index.js into chat-_system plugin
- - fixed format_chat replacement
- - fixed ranks replacement
- - update CustomChat with adding some prefix: @PREFIX prefix_rank display, @SUFFIX suffix rank display @RANK current Rank display, update @NAME
- - update format_chat: "@RANKS§r §a@NAME §r§7» §r@MSG" => "@PREFIX@RANK@SUFFIX§r §a@NAME §r§7» §r@MSG"
- - update notadmin message
- - update plugin `player-_system`
- - adding plugin `scorehud-general`
- - adding plugin `scorehud-admin`
- - list prefixs scorehud_display
- - <name>
- - <rank>
- - <rank_count>
- - <death_count>
- - <kill_count>
- - <mute_count>
- - <kick_count>
- - <warn_count>
- - <admin_count>
- - <admin_online_count>
- - <player_count>
- - <player_online_count>
- - <balance>
- - <afk_time>
- - <locale_date>
- - <locale_time>