Published on August 29, 2022 (Updated on August 28, 2022)

Too Heavy [Armor Weight]

"Too Heavy Add-on" brings a feature from "Souls" games into "Minecraft" which is armor weight. From now on wearing a chestplate or leggings of a heavy material will affect your speed.

Select version for changelog:

  • Added integrations with Spry Conquest Add-on.
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  • ⭐ | My Discord
  • 📦 | Too Heavy [v.1.0].mcpack (6.06 KB)
  • 📦 | Too Heavy [v.1.0].zip (6.06 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

question for addons armor I don't know why some of the armor doesn't work with it for armor certain effects it'll make sense maybe it the cause of it but i questioning the other armors that don't have a effects don't work with it
me encanta, justo lo que buscaba