UAC is an Anti-Cheat designed for Minecraft Bedrock edition realms or servers ran by BDS. This has been tested on hundreds of realms for the course of 3 years with great results.
Select version for changelog:
2.5.3 Changes
- Turning on Anti-reach's gametest method now also disables it's function method to reduce lag
- Added a new command to disable the Development Testing Features
- Added new names from #vip-comsmetic into the UAC VIP command
- Welcome messages are cleaner, and now include a member counter
- Added new Vanish gametest command for staff
- Added Anti-Nuker passive module which gives staff detection notifications (Gametest Required)
- Optimizations to Anti-CBE
- Improvements to the Player Freeze command which utilizes gametest logic
- Removed One-Shot Protection Module
- Removed Disable Armor Enchants Module
- The Mute command no longer mutes staff, and can now also unmute players as well
- Added new Emergency Lag Clear that triggers regardless of toggles enabled, if entity count goes over 340
2.5.3 Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug with "Fixed Container" Module not enabling correctly
- Fixed a bug that made anti-reach's gametest method not enabling correctly
- Fixed multiple issues with the AFK-Kick Module
- Fixed Netherite mining notification toggle not displaying the correct ore toggle
- Fixed the Unban Window not properly unbanning curtain players
- Fixed an issue with the ranks command not properly giving players a rank or color
- Anti-Chat Spam now shows properly in module check
- Fixed Item Ban Toggles not updating for everyone
- Fixed to World Border Module (No longer resets, uses gametest method to tp to custom spawn)
`===== 2.3 Changes ======`
~ Many optimizations
~ Added item command for players to see their last death coords
~ Added Anti Oneshot Protection (prevents thorns/sharpness above vanilla enchants from working)
~ Added an Optional Resource pack that can also be used client-sided on other realms for FPS boost
~ CBE items are now cleared without needing the Unobtainable Items module enabled
~ Prevent more mobs from dropping rotten flesh
~ Debug Stats will now show a true/false for ownerstatus
~ UAC now soft bans players who attempt to go into creative 4 times
~ Updates to CBE and Unobtainable flag system
~ unobtainable items and anti-cbe now also clears dropped items
~Players who are UAC Global Banned will be disconnected from the realm
~Players who are given the tag used for UAC Global Banned will have it removed automatically if they are not actually on the Global Ban List
~Fixed a bug that spammed the wrong message in chat when manually banning someone
~Commands meant to be used on players now have no effect on staff members.
~In the 2.3 Resource, changed the packet.disconnect message to a proper ban message
~Added a fake leave message command for staff
~Added Player counter
-The 'no frostwalker' & 'Disable Armor Enchant' modules no longer remove enchanted armor. They now only remove the enchants from the armor.
-Fixed the Entity Clear not resetting properly
~ Fixed some bugs when using the home command or dying with it
`======== 2.4 Changes ==========`
~ Removed the item commands from main UAC behavior
~ The resource GUI is now finished and allows you for in-game info on the chat commands such as how to use them and their functionality
~ Added Separate Addon "UAC Scripts" which enables chat commands for players
~ Added Ability for staff to enabled/disable player commands at will
~ When Hotbar messages are enabled, all players will be forced to use the mode you set it to.
~ Removed ability for players to click on each other to see stats
~Added detection for whether or not certain experimental features are on
~Small rework to spawn randomizer so that it works with the new worldspawn framework
~Added new staff kits as well as redid the Kits section in the GUI for ease of use with console players
~Added inventory viewer (staff chat command below)
~Changed the auto soft bans into hard bans that remove the players from the realm.
~Anti-Frostwalker will now use it's old method if it detects experimental features are not on
~Added Anti-Reach Module, preventing players from hitting each other from more than 5 blocks away
~Added Detection for which dimension the player is in
~Bottom Bedrock No longer executes in the End and executes at the appropriate Y level for the nether
~The staff-stats command now shows what dimension the player is in.
~Added new "AFK Kick" Module which temp-kicks players who have not been moving for 2:03 minutes.
~Added new "Anti-C Logging" Module which punishes players apon rejoining for combat logging.
~Added sounds and particles to certain commands
~The warn reset message now displays for all players and not just staff
~Anti-CBE no longer removes placed command blocks near non-staff players
~improvements to Anti-Fly module
~improvements to the Module Check Command
~Changes to the ModuleCheck command
`===== Bug Fixes ========`
~Fixed Anti-Oneshot not immediately applying to players correctly
~Fixed a bug that would make item frames trigger the Illegal Item flag
~Fixed a bug preventing village raids from triggering
~Fixed Glow Sticks not clearing as unobtainable items properly
~Fixed a bug in 2.4 alpha for worldborder not teleporting the player to spawn properly
~Fixed a bug that caused framerate to drop when sitting in chat/chest/pause screen
~ Removed some Legacy Code
~ Fixed a bypass made that disabled functions
~Fixed a bug with Anti-Frostwalker not clearing enchants from leather boots properly
~Fixed a bug where UAC didn't know what a elytra or turtle helmet was
~Fixed a bug that flagged players for flying when sleeping
~Fixed Unban Window not properly unbanning people apon joining
~ Fixes to the vanish command
~ Fixes to unban window
`====== 2.4 Player Commands ========`
{ These features require gametest to be enabled on the realm/BDS Server
~ Players can change their own Hotbar message if the realm does not have a mode set (disabled) -- UAC.display (self, realm)
~ Players can see their own stats or the stats for another player -- UAC.stats
~ Players can create/delete home waypoints and then warp to them -- UAC.home
~ Players can create/cancel TPA channels. When another player uses that channel to tp to them, the channel is deleted. -- UAC.tpa (create, remove)
~ Players can see the location coords for were their last death was -- UAC.lastdeath
~ Staff can change the Spot where players get sent to when crossing the world border -- UAC.worldspawn
~ Staff can check the inventory of players -- UAC.inventory (playername)
~ Players can now use suicide, which kills after 10 seconds of use -- UAC.suicide
`======== 2.4 Fine-Tuning =========`
~Added Fine-Tuning Settings file inside settings folder
~Added the choice for bottom bedrock replacement to be set for Caves or Cliffs or for vanilla
~Added Fine-Tuning options into a GUI, which auto-opens when you enable a feature that can be fine-tuned.
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On my modded realm i have three of my friend as staff members and they reported me that alot of player used hacks and cheats to ruin the sever
If you want to play my modded realm and now with hack protection then reply to me