Published on February 07, 2024 (Updated on April 19, 2024)

Bittersweet | Addonpack

The name does describes it pretty clear by itself...
It makes the game harder & better at the same time

As bitter as coffee, as sweet as sugar...

Introducing the Bittersweet!

Select version for changelog:






Added the CCoE extension




Removed the Simple Health Bar texture pack
It doesn't work with custom mobs, so Health Indicator addons such as Health Bar works with addon mobs/Health & Damage Indicator V3 can be the replacement





Updated the Bunch o' Nature addon to the 4.2 version
Taller Trees

Updated the True Start addon to the 2.7 version
Fixed Flint Knapping & Chopping Planks



Increased the min engine version to 1.20.50


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

DiamondustSiacka125 May 01, 2024 at 3:25 pm
not sure if it's my side or the addon side true start is a little broken
The true start addon is broken, the knabable flint doesn't give me anything, it just disappears when ai knab it on stone.
For some people, the addon works fine. This also happens to me, so idk how to fix it
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it still does the same thing like when I check your add-on with the folder recipes everything in there but when I make a Minecraft World with only your add-on or other addons in the folder of recipes is advanced_fishing, arduous, azureculture, beacon_rings, better_weaponry only in the recipes folder
The game doesn't import the addon properly?
idk it only does it to your add-on even making a new world still does the same
I'll probably have to keep moving the recipes folder addon into the world behavior_packs it's a bit weird I have to do that every time I make a world -w-
That's awful. I wish i know how i can help you with it
yea it's kind of weird that it only does it to me I was kind of thinking about combining some of the add-ons that you made and I like even though I'm going to put your username on it it's like behavior and resource pack same for the manifest
Hello. I try to use this addon in a server with friends but the items from terraria don't work. They pass from off to on but the effect don't work
After switching the trinket mode to "on", Put the trinket item inside your inventory to activate the trinket effect
I have suffered a lot with this, I have died more than 15 times and I barely have copper equipment, I love this addon.
A suffering love? I see, you're welcome!
bro i love ur addon pack (or may i called it modpack?) and can i ask a quick request? can u add better foliage addon by fused bolt? and maybe some ambient soundpack? i would love it more if you do
Unfortunately I can't, fused bolt don't allow people to use his creations for public creation
Bug report (i guess? ) the Knappable flint doesn't drop flint shards
In the the other hand it is kinda laggy mostly crashing my game twice to play regularly,Although i loved the mod!
Known very rare bug, but no fix
Do you have any plans updating the mod?
No, since i haven't found anymore bugs & the addonpack works on 1.20.73
can you make the hp bats as an optional thing? like i can turn it off?
• It's planned to remove it then replace it with scripted health bar addon
• You can, technically (delete the entity folder at Bittersweet/Bittersweet RP)
Chests do not appear in the hand and it is not possible to equip them on mules or donkeys
• Check your third person view when holding container blocks like chest, you will know why you can't see it on first person view
• Learn the husbandry II knowledge to attach chest on donkey/mule
update too 1.70 and up I can’t wait to play
It's already updated up to 1.20.73
no its not go ahead and break a log and put in crafting grid and get planks
go ahead and put 3 gravel in there nothing go ahead and put flint in there nothing …
I've tried it all on 3 different devices and all the proper experimental are clicked .ive red the whole guide , im not mistaken
read the instructions above. he already explained everything to start the game
Then why you're the only one in the entire world who has the issues you reported? That means you must made mistake somewhere

Crafting log to planks on crafting table? Put 3 gravels but nothing? Put flint but nothing? You sounds like you don't even have the addonpack activated or you activated the recipe unlocking toggle that you supposed to not have it activated

And you did the exact same mistake on 3 different devices?! Impossible
Im not here to fight ! just to inform only holiday creator and custom biome is on no other expermintal nothing i have tried on my PC and 2 laptops i own !why do u get offended by a bug report! True start Mod is completely Not working at least .also i can provide u with photos and all u want Just to Help u better ur content .Jesus ! im 36 yrs old im well educated and ive been playing this game over 10yrs I done all i can correctly .red ur whole page . add on activated every visual things works all trinkets and all every block in mod is available But The crafting grid is Busted /
• It must been a bad day for me when i'm replying your bug report or it's just that i have received many fake bug reports lately
• True start is indeed broken, for some people but not everyone (including myself no matter how many times someone asked me to test it) and the cause is unknown so i can't fix it
• Can we talk in discord or can you join my server then make a bug report post? So i and my community can take a look at your media & possibly solve it (no promise tho, since (like i said) not everyone have this bug)
• Crafting grid is busted? Have you deactivate the recipe unlocking toggle?
• I can't stop laughing while replying this xD
Yes there are alot of nieche cases when it comes to mcbe and its bugs ,i understand your Frustrations with giving ur content all u can and providing for free yet receiving fake bug report.ur doing a good job .keep it up . because ive seen all of ur addons i told myslef i should report this bug and maybe because eng is not my first lang i didnt do a good job on writing it well. i wish u all the best bud
Thanks man, i really appreciate it!
And can we talk in my discord server so we can solve your issue easier?
don't worry bud ive fixed the issues by adding *true start* separately to bp and rp like a charm now. *true start *first then bittersweet.
also I wanted to be updated because some of the charms don't work like mainly the charm that prevents you from being poisoned and the charm that prevents you from getting nausea and blindness and also the backpack sometimes you won't let you pick it up with the backpack pick upper
• Every trinkets still works fine
• If the backpack doesn't let you to pick it up, it means it needs to be "claimed". So use the backpack glove again to "claim" the backpack as yours then pick it up
can you update it to 1.20.70 because some old mods that were updated till 1.20.70 that used to be compatible with bittersweet no longer work with it
• The addonpack is already updated to 1.20.72
• The addons included in this addonpack that originally doesn't work on 1.20.30+ has been made to work on 1.20.30+ exclusively for this addonpack
I have all expermints on but not village trade one do I need that one?