Basic Machinery Expansion is an expansion to the addon Basic Machinery. Basic Machinery Expansion adds lots of new machines, features, power generators, and more. This addon requires 1.19+ . .
Select version for changelog:
updated to 1.19 . . . . . . .
Keep up the good work!
addon WIth the mana system and the level requirements for all spell there is so much potential for spells and i already have some ideas to make this already great addon a better 1
I will start with the level 20 spells i have 1 idea
1. A teleportation spell this spell teleports you to wherever you look it has 100 block range too it uses 300 mana aswell
There should also be Movement spells for the first 1 it is a dash wich gives you speed 5 for 3 sec
the 2nd movement spell gives jump boost 5 and then slow falling both spells take 50 mana and are level 5 spells
there should also be a invisibility spell wich does not show armour or particles it could stay for 200 ticks it is a level 15 spell
i had the idea for defensive spells aswell 1 of them could place a dirt wall and the other could make a wall and ceiling of dirt
I have other ideas so yeah if you want tell me and i can put them down IF this might be too hard for programming i wouldnt know and im sorry