Published on July 28, 2019

Classic Find The Button

This is NOT just a regular 'find the button' map! It has different challenges in every level. There are 5 levels, all of them are possible. I'm sure you can do this!



  • Classic Find The Button.mcworld

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

After 3 years i really would like to download this world again but it seems like the downloaded file doesnt contain anything? This is a request to anyone who still has the world file on their devices, i would love to get my hands back on it. Thanks!
Add media fire link please...
This was fun and, I think, a good level of challenging. It was hard sometimes, but it kept moving, instead of one room for an hour :) Anyway, I will share this with a friends. Nice map!
Wow ! Thank you all for the amazing response ! I Never thought this map (my first) would become so 'good'.
I'll Use this opportunity to say that i have been working on a new Adventure map, with a story related to 'water'. And again, thank you all so much for the support !

@Sophie- The Rainbow room contains a hint as you might have seen, search in the other room for something related to that hint... I really can't give away too much here... Please keep looking, I'm Sure You'll Find It !

@Eric Hsu Wow! Thanks ! I made the room harder to complete than the others, offcourse because it's the last and final one... But i'm Glad you finally completed it !

@Jack @Fernando I appreciate it ! :)
In my opinion, the last level is just a bit too hard, I thought about it might be there, but the wall was black, making it impossible to see it. But I like that level being mirrored, and a great job to your redstoning and guides. :D
I can’t find out how to get out of rainbow room! Please give me a hint
how do u finish 3rd lvl
Played on Win10 and dang that was fun! A great map with just the right level of challenge to not be rage worthy but to still be rewarding. Thank you so much map creator~ Ya did good.
Very well made and entertaining
I still found these books on third level but i still doesnt know what should i do after the arrows
where is the button for the first one or give me a hint please
where is the button for the second one
I Will give you a hint: You need to find a lever first !
Awesome map, played it with my friend. Very much enjoyed :)
Simply amazing! Well done mate 5/5!
Thank you very much Fernando !
Yes its simple shader. You can download it from this website :)
Chocapic shaders
and faithful texture pack I think