Published on August 06, 2019 (Updated on July 01, 2021)

Colorful Troopers (StarWars) Skin Pack

Everyone loves Star Wars, so now here come some wonderful colorful Star Wars Troopers for you and your friends. Want to be a black, green or even pink trooper ? No problem, here are 31 colorful Troopers.

The pack includes 31 Troopers:

  • pink Trooper
  • yellow Trooper
  • blue Trooper
  • dark green Trooper
  • green Trooper
  • red Trooper
  • black Trooper
  • orange Trooper
  • purple Trooper

Select version for changelog:

  • Added five new colors to an existing StarWars trooper. 
  • New download link
  • 1.16 support
  • changed something in the descrpition


Supported Minecraft versions

Never redirects to mediafire...
For me it’s working
I have to pay for linkvertise, and i am not doing that so please make a link that isn’t linkvertise.
No one need to pay, to get the SkinPack, its completely Free
Did you follow the "Help Video" ?
Plz add a link that’s not linkvertise
Cool skins!
Can you add a dark blue normal trooper tho?
Nice free skin pack
Great skin pack
Make it free
Why does it make me pay for premium? Do I have to pay or does the link not work
Why are you makeing me pay money for this
Hey creator, on iPad the link doesn’t work. It doesn’t teleport me or show skip button.
How do I add this skin to my xbox?
I do not like this
Neat. but shouldn't there be some indication that they are Republic Clone Troopers from Episode II and the Clone Wars (in EpIII they got a new style of armor and afterwards they were replaced by Imperial Stormtroopers)
How do u get this to show up on latest beta.
What's up with a box in Changelog and installation area it say 591×296.344 (Original: 700×351) can't press the link ?