Published on April 27, 2023

Complete Wolves Overhaul

Tired of the same vanilla Minecraft wolves? Well this addon brings many new wolves to your game! Each with a unique spawn egg, spawn location, breeding mechanics, barks and some even with particles!


  • MoreWolves_behavior_pack.mcpack (14.97 MB)
  • MoreWolves_resource_pack.mcpack (6.89 MB)

Installation Guides

please update to latest version! this pack sounds fun! I would like to be able to use this!
Wolves from this pack are invisible in 1.21, at least all the ones I tested.
I can’t get it to Minecraft because it is a zip file and I want to use this mod so can you please make a version it not a zip file please 🙏
I can't import it to Minecraft either for the same reason :(
Edit: for some reason it still downloads as .zip even though the download link says .mcpack BUT changing the ,zip to ,mcpack on the file after it was downloaded did seem to work.
Brb gonna make a zoo filled with all 200+ wolves (wish me luck)
I'd just like to say that the effects/aura of some of these wolves should be toned down (particularly the sunset autumn wolf and aurora wolf, from the ones that I have seen so far) because in 1.20 they look like they could be epilepsy triggers
Una pregunta por que los lobos que doméstico se vuelven rojos?