Published on June 28, 2020 (Updated on April 05, 2023)

Find The Buttons! (1.17+)

This is a find the buttons map that contains 14 challenging levels. This map works in singleplayer and multiplayer. This map also offers you hints that you can use throughout the map.

Select version for changelog:

  • The download link has been changed
  • I added multiplayer support! You can now play with as many friends as you want
  • I updated levels 2, 5 and 7 to support multiplayer
  • I fixed a bug at the water level because you can drown and respawn at a different level


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Cara que mapa incrível eu gostei muito, toda contrução e incrível
where's the button in the end thingy? I cant find it.
It's by the wall. Its a birch button
I didint like it

It was kinda boring
Awesome map bro
i like the details and stuff
It look very nice!
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it.
I have the files thingy can I do it on there I mean I tried and it did not work so do I have to use documents for readdle?