Published on April 28, 2020 (Updated on May 05, 2020)

Magical Animated Ores! V2.5 Nether Update!

Tired looking at plain old ores when on a cave expedition?

Want to make cave's feel more alive and fun?

Well yours truly has solved this crisis!

Featuring Ore differentiation textures in a crisp 64x faithful ish style

Animations for all the ore's inspired by numerous Java edition packs

Nether Update 2.5 (Still WIP)

Adds animations and textures for....

Ancient Debris

Quartz Ore (Not yet Quartz Block)

Nether Gold Ore  

All ingredient blocks (Iron, gold e.ct)

Crying Obsidian and Regular Obsidian

Tweaked the Lapis Ore Animation

Improved the Target texture 

Let us know what to change and add!

You will never want to go back!

Feedback and suggestions much appreciated!

Select version for changelog:


Nether Update 2.5 (Still WIP)

Adds animations and textures for....

Ancient Debris

Quartz Ore (Not yet Quartz Block)

Nether Gold Ore

All ingredient blocks (Iron, gold e.ct)

Crying Obsidian and Regular Obsidian

Tweaked the Lapis Ore Animation

Improved the Target texture 



  • Magical Ores!! V2.5 Nether Update.mcpack
  • Magical-Ores-V2.5-Nether-Update_1588640954.mcpack
  • Magical Ores!! V2.5 Nether Update Low Res.mcpack
  • Magical-Ores-V2.5-Nether-Update-Low-Res_1588640954.mcpack
  • Magical Ores! v2.mcpack
  • Magical Ores! v2.mcpack
  • Magical Ores LOW RES EDITION.mcpack
  • Magical Ores LOW RES EDITION.mcpack

Supported Minecraft versions


Installation Guides

Please add copper ore
The normal resolution one make my world blocks have some weird line around it when i’m not close, definitely annoying me, sorry but i rate it 4
Actual block lighting is controlled by behaviour packs, since it can affect sensors and mob spawnings, so it is considered a "behaviour change" which means a behaviour pack would be required.
3.0 Will be a connected textures update
Is there anywhere I can contact you?
Hello can you fix redstone texture and redstone block
It works for iOS but not android help
Guest-4887398611 May 03, 2020 at 7:39 pm
Looks amazing it even works on xb1
Next update plans -

Animated Blocks of the materials

Netherite and quartz and nethergold animations and custom textures

Making the lapis glow for longer

May tweak the Redstone texture

Guest-1113621852 May 01, 2020 at 2:06 am
Can you make the diamond block and other like iron gold lapis and netherite and emerald block animate it please
Guest-1739436494 May 01, 2020 at 2:09 am
And make it faithful texture
I would suggest the precious blocks have some shine and the item/ingots also have animations
An update for the pack is coming out very soon but hasn't yet been approved with changes to diamond, emerald, and redstone

Don't know if item animations are possible but if they are i'll add them for v3
Please make it faith ful texture all jewerly and items or release it both faithful and not faithful
Add it animations
I'll see if it is possible to add item animations, if not then i'll stick to blocks. Heck I may make another pack with other blocks animated but we shall see
Hello can you change the ore texture of redstone ore make it like diamond ore and make it glow at night
This looks great! But I have one request, can you make the little static on the Redstone look more pixaly? And can you make the shine on the diamonds, iron and emeralds also look more pixaly? I made that request because Minecraft is blocky! XD That was kinda dumb ??
I'll release a low res version of this pack which will be nice and pixely :)
I have some ideas for the Redstone texture along with making Diamond ore more shiny and maybe adding a pulse effect to emerald. I'll see what I can do ;)

Let me know if you have any good ideas!
it is a very nice accessory! could you bring it for 1.16 please!
Really neat textures, ngl. This will work great with shaders!
Ty <3 :D

Bet they look MADD clean with RTX