Minecraft Manhunt is an add-on which brings many manhunt concepts by Dream from the Java Edition of Minecraft into Minecraft Bedrock Edition. The basic concept of the add-on is the speedrunner needs to beat Minecraft before the hunter kills the speedrunner.
Select version for changelog:
Release 1.8.0
Add-on changes
- Behavior pack is updated to be fully compatible with Minecraft v1.21.20 or above, ensure it doesn't rely on Holiday Creator Features experiment anymore.
- The add-on now does not require any experiments to be enabled.
- The add-on now requires minimum Minecraft version v1.20.60.
Gameplay Changes
- Compass now supports tracking players in the nether and the end dimension too.
- Fix a bug where players can hit entities before the game starts.
Other Changes
- Replaced linkvertise link with jaylydev.github.io
Download the addon from jaylydev.github.io/posts/minecraft-manhunt/ to skip linkvertise downloads.
Download the addon from jaylydev.github.io/posts/minecraft-manhunt/ to skip linkvertise downloads.
There is just one problem I encountered. In the random items game mode, i played with 2 of my friends and when I was the runner and I kill a hunter the game stops and I can’t kill the rest of the hunters. If u fix this I will give u 5 stars
¿Cuál es el comando para reiniciar los modos de juego?
Cuando juego con mis amigos soy el Speedrunner, me matan pero sólo me quedo como espectador...
Es tedioso estar creando mundos cada vez que jugamos...