The Cinematic Editor is a Minecraft editor extension that utilizing the /camera command for changing perspectives and designing cinematic scenes. The editor has the capability to control your camera perspective with Minecraft Bedrock Editor to allow players to make a Minecraft scene, without knowledge to use the /camera command.
Select version for changelog:
Cinematic Editor Extension
- Editor extension now requires Minecraft Preview 1.21.30
- Added ability to edit camera location and rotation on existing keyframes.
- Player location and player rotation now shows selected keyframe's data instead of current player's data.
- Vector3 fields now disables when there isn't a scene.
- Editor can now export HUD visibility settings to cinematic runtime add-on.
Cinematic Runtime Add-On
- Added support to import HUD visibility settings from editor extension.
- Added 'Scene Settings' screen accessible from /function cinematic/editor command. Allows changing HUD visibility when playing a scene within runtime addon.
- Added ability to edit camera rotation on existing keyframes.
- Added Camera item once a scene is created via runtime addon.
- Add-on now doesn't require Beta APIs experiment.
- Add-on is now compatible with Minecraft v1.21.20 or above.
-Don't delete items (camera, delete, and confirm items) when I finish creating the frame because I have to type /function cinematic/editor over and over again When I finished setting up the frame point to fame camera.
-Add a delay feature or a feature to activate 2 frame points simultaneously from frame 1 to the other frame, so that the camera movement is smoother. For example:
I prepared 2 command blocks where I set the speed of moving command(command block 1) to command(command block 2) using redstone repeater So when the camera angle is in the middle of cinematic, command 1 will immediately execute command 2 automatically So there is no meeting point between the points of frame 1 to frame 2. Do you understand what I mean?
-Provide an option to provide a pause in movement between frame 1 to frame 2. Because there are several moments where the camera movement must stop for a moment in cinematic videos.
-Provide an option/action where we can edit the coordinate position manually in the editor mode tab.
-Can you provide a feature where I can hide the HUD hotbar? (Joystick, hotbar items, etc.) Manually. so it will be easy for players to switch to camera mode To normal mode. Because when I use this add-on the HUD item automatically cannot be pressed so my character holds the camera.
And those are some of the things that can make this add-on many people like it. Especially for mobile content creators who have difficulty using command blocks.
I hope you read and use my advice so that many people use this add-on. Sorry if my writing is long Because I am a user of the /camera command which is applied using a command block and a redstone repeater...
Thank you 🙏
1. The scene editor mode allows you to create multiple keyframes via using the camera item before saving it via using the confirm item.
I included the video of using this feature in my download page, somehow the video isn't up in mcpedl.
2. I will consider allowing you guys to edit position and rotation in existing keyframes, and hiding specific UI elements.
3. I've thought of improving camera paths, but it's a challenging task so it's not a high priority for now. I'll keep that in mind tho.