Published on March 27, 2020 (Updated on May 18, 2022)

Simple PVP Map 2VS2

This is a simple PVP Map with 3 roles.

*Planned to be a Moba map, but this project stopped years ago

*This is my own made map, my name was changed from "Gung Yogi" to "Cyrill"

How To Play :

1. Click the start button to start the game

2. Select a role to play (you have 15 seconds to select before the game start)

  • Marksman : You will get a bow and arrows and can not deal a melee attack
  • Fighter : You will get an iron sword as melee attack
  • Tank : You will get an iron sword as melee attack (but only deal a little damage) and a shield (auto use in offhand)

3. Kill the enemies (not your team)

4. Click the button on enemy base to win (don't click before kill the enemies) or click the button on your base to surrender.

Select version for changelog:


No Changelog in this up

Project Stopped Years Ago, sorry 😣


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Can you make this map better and add other thing such as neutral creep, skill, weapon and also minion.I hope you can reply me I really hate that other don't want to reply.
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Why is this a google drive?
This is lame.