This is a DLC of my old project undertale addon.And I probably won't update this project anymore. Murder sans is a bloody killer and will attack all the living things he sees. This addon brings him to your game, if you are a Murder sans lover, you shouldn't miss this addon!
Select version for changelog:
To those people who can't import Murder sans addon on Win10
1. Change .mcaddon to .zip
2. Unzip the file, you will see 2 folders
3. Go to C:\users\Your computer's name (for example, Lenovo)\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang
4. paste the "sw! murder sansV2_r" to "resource_packs", paste "sw! murder sansV2_b" to "behavior_packs"
5. reenter the game, now the pack should be in your game
If you are on mobile devices and met the same problem
1. Change .mcaddon to .zip
2. Unzip the file, you will see 2 folders
3. Go to game\com.mojang
4. paste the "sw! murder sansV2_r" to "resource_packs", paste "sw! murder sansV2_b" to "behavior_packs"
5. reenter the game, now the pack should be in your game
Æ no.
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