Published on CurseForge June 27, 2024 (Updated on June 30, 2024)

Piston arm - Build up to 32 blocks away


  • Piston arm.mcaddon (81.67 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

It doesn't work anymore man, please fix it, I'm begging you
This is really cool

[Edit: so it works, but only for placing blocks. It would be amazing if this worked for attacking and using items]
Also do the same thing but for attacking
Addon works as of most recent version. For anyone who wants to make it more range, max is probably 64 cuz off how minecraft is. To edit it turn the .mcaddon to a .zip, go into the bp, scripts, and copy or cut main.js to your downloads. Turn main.js to main.txt by renaming it, change 32 to how much range you want, and save it as main.js, placing it back into scripts and rename the mod back to .mcaddon.