Published on July 15, 2021

Portable Effect Addon

This expansion will change the lives of adventurers and PVP players, just by using this item you can become stronger. Portable Effect is an extension of the game making it easier to play. Those are the cores that give effect to us, making us stronger from the effect we get according to each core we create. The details are as follows.


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

It's still active, right? I wanna feedback after using this mod;
* Regeneration core won't effect, it has heart beating(moving hearts) like as same as potion but it doesn't regenerate at all.
* In a longrun of adventure, sometimes the core won't effect like example; a saturation core doesn't saturate hunger. Sometimes it happened on taskbar, Except on held core, the effect can come back if a have to restart the game.

* Can you adjust the duration of their time, like 1 minute or so because of night vision core. Normally, when night vision almost runs out, it blinks on and off on it's field of vision. But this core always do it, either on held or on taskbar.
* Fix that unical core!!! think about it, you' ll get haste core for the first time,as an example, later on you'll craft another one, and so and so forth. And when crafting that uni , all effects are gone.
Where did you get that skin in the thumbnail?
This is Insane! and also please add more core